Monday, September 27, 2010

Lipgloss and Black Contest!

There's a ton of independent designers that I love and follow, and found through dozens of About Me pages on eBay (on dial-up, no less!) years ago, and thankfully Lipgloss & Black was one of them! Er... Two of them? Since they're sisters?

I remember I kept clicking on their site, to see if it had been updated from their hiatus page, and then bam! One day, they were back! And on Etsy! Oh Etsy, I love you so. But I have to take a break from you because I just bought a bunch of kpop imports. D:

Anyway, they JUST launched their brand spankin' new website (Emphasis on the spankin', I was seriously happy with the design and I'm not even a graphic designer! More of a graphic observer, maybe.). And to celebrate, they're doing a giveaway contest!

It's really easy, all you gotta do is leave a comment on this photo, saying which item(s) is(are) your favorite in their store, and that's your entry!

Of course, since there are so many networking sites today, you get one extra entry for each re-post/linkback to their photo. Which means, your Twitter, your blog, and your Facebook link post thingie. Another comment for each one, and that's four entries total! It wasn't really clarified, but I *think* you get an entry for each "sharing" you do, so if you Tweet about it like once a day, and comment about it, you get another entry for each? Not too positive, but it didn't say NOT to do it, so I'm guessing it's all good.

I myself have been a huge fan of their suspender skirts (I own a slightly pleated purple one, and I've been eyeing the teal!) and I immediately fell in love with their Motodress that they debuted on the new site. It comes in black and gray and I'm pretty sure it's way better quality than the Forever 21 version I saw a couple months ago. Based on the L&B pieces I own, they use reallllllllllly high quality cotton knit--it's pretty thick, so it's durable (and sucks you in if you need it), and warm enough you can wear the skirts in cooler weather with tights and boots! And of course, it's cotton, so it's totally breathable.

They also use bamboo fabric for some of their designs! I haven't tried bamboo fabric yet, but I love eating bamboo shoots, so it's probably amazing. Even better? They use their fabric scraps to make reusable totes, and include one with every order! The bags not only keep your goodies together and protected in the envelope, but they're also usable forever! They're the perfect size for grocery shopping in Asian countries, I should know, I took mine to Taiwan :)

Oh wait! I forgot the most important detail! The prize is a $50 credit for their store! Meaning... that $70 suspender skirt would wind up being $20 + S/H. OR you could get a bunch of accessories (omg the zipper bow headband in purple! leave me one, k guys?) or any other combination. If you win, you've gotta use it all at once though... Which is literally no problem, because their store is full of amazing, including a tank that has a skull cut-out in the back. (Check it!)

(Psst! If you use coupon code LBFB10 to get 10% off, good now through Oct 4th at midnight! I know y'all have Facebook, don't try and deny it :D) The contest runs for a week, so get on it!